240506~240510 K1 Phonics Weekly Plan


Phonics P46,47
Turtle, tiger, truck, train 
Phonics P48,49
Van, violin, vase, vest 

Class Activity- CV word blending

It's Not My Fault

Why is your homework so messy?
It's not my fault! I blame my pen.
Why can't I read these test answers?
I blame my pen.
Why is your assignment so late?
Um...I blame my pen?

A boy steadfastly refuses to take responsibility for any of his mistakes. He just blames everything that goes wrong on his pen, his backpack, his comb, his pillow--whatever item happens to be at hand. For awhile, this approach works at home and at school. He's positively convinced he has it all figured out until . . . all the inanimate objects rise up and revolt. What can he do when a talking pen and talking backpack decide to rebel?

I'm Going On A Bear Hunt.
